Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blog 6: Second Interview

Questions for Interview #2:

1.) Where did you go to school?

2.) What did you study while you were there?

3.) How did you come across this profession? (What you do now.)

4.) What kinds of specialized tasks are you certified for? (ex: Confined Spaces)

5.) In the beginning, did this type of profession seem like a job you could pursue into your later years or just a job to have while you were getting in to the profession you studied in school?

Blog 5a: Science Fair Problem Statement

1.) My senior Topic is Water care.

2.) The issue of keeping the pool water chemically balanced is always there. If a solution is found then more attention can be directed toward maintaining the pool itself.

3.) The issue of the effectiveness of filters is something to consider. Each type and size and brand comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. If a solution to this can be created I can focus on the chemicals.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Blog 19: Senior Project and ESLRs

1.  What ESLR have you excelled in most in your senior project?

Effective user of technology.

2.  Please explain why you think you have excelled in this ESLR.

When considering the topic my Senior Project focuses on, there are few ways to earn my mentorship and Independent Component hours. It only made sense for me to look for a class of some kind that can better my understanding of the profession and open more doors of opportunity to me. This is why I chose to get certified for confined spaces. Not every employee is required to be suited for every job. However, we are encouraged to better our knowledge of the practice.

3.  Provide evidence from your senior project to support your claim.

Here are two pictures I have taken with my phone. I could not screen shot the actual page because the website blocks the class. I assume in an attempt to deter theft.

Toward the end of the first section.

Me and the class hangin' out.