Saturday, May 18, 2013

Blog 21: Independent Component 2


a) I, Ryan Solorio, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

b) MIT Open Course ware


d) I was able to complete all of the worksheets, three of the four exams, and most of the lectures.


It was an admittedly tough course. I had a hard time understanding some of the terms and concepts, but with a little extra research in addition to this, I managed to actually learn something. I have a couple of photos that I'll explain a little below:
This first one is of the home page. It shows the name of the course I took.
 Next is the assignment list.
 Third is an example of the worksheets.

Fourth is a picture of me actually working.

Finally, this is a picture of the first exam. My mom graded them using the answer key that is provided.


This course gave me a far greater understanding of the chemistry I am used to dealing with. Not all of the information was applicable to my project, but I learned a couple of interesting and useful facts.

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